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Election Results - Race Detail

Results for Spring Election, Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

Results are unofficial until the canvass is complete on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

To get results for write-in candidates, contact your local municipal clerk.

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School Bd Member Wisconsin Rapids SD (Vote for not more than TWO)
Precincts Reporting: 19/19
Julie Des Jarlais 3054
Mary Rayome 2964
Mike Derrie 2773
Troy S. Bier 3009

Results Detail by Precinct

T/Arpin W1 & 2
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 0
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 0
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 0
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 0
T/Grand Rapids W1-11
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 1066
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 1148
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 959
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 1128
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 62
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 26
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 55
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 31
T/Rudolph W1 & 2
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 98
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 89
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 86
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 106
T/Saratoga W1-9
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 183
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 159
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 180
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 159
T/Seneca W1-4
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 58
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 67
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 58
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 66
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 13
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 8
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 12
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 7
T/Sigel W1 & 2
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 97
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 79
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 94
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 95
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 90
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 81
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 70
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 75
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 42
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 47
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 29
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 44
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 76
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 38
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 72
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 38
C/WIsc Rapids Wards 1-4
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 103
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 107
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 105
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 122
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 5-7
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 112
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 101
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 97
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 97
C/Wisc Rapids W8-10
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 184
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 187
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 182
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 184
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 11-13
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 142
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 156
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 128
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 155
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 14-16
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 109
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 114
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 109
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 123
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 17-20
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 178
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 160
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 156
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 170
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 21-24
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 215
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 167
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 181
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 178
C/Wisc Rapids Wards 25-27
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Julie Des Jarlais 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 226
Mary Rayome 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 230
Mike Derrie 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 200
Troy S. Bier 4/5/2022 9:10:00 PM 231